When you here the term braces, it is usually in reference to the traditional braces that require the use of metal wires and brackets. These braces are typically recommended for cases requiring more sever correction as a result of their durability.
Orthodontic treatment is usually required to correct dental issues that may affect patients. Some of these include wide-spaced teeth, underbites and overbites, and also crowded teeth. It is also used to aid in skeletal realignment, which, if left untreated, could cause more serious complications, such as sleep apnea and asphyxiation. Orthodontic treatments not only improve the oral health of patients, but they also reap the cosmetic benefits of straight teeth.
Individual Patient (IP) Orthodontics utilizes braces focuses on each tooth, unlike traditional braces. Using IP technology, customized brackets and created specifically for each tooth, focusing on the movement of each tooth in the process of getting that great straight smile!
IP Orthodontic treatments typically take a shorter amount of time then traditional braces, meaning that the patients will have a lesser time waiting for their perfect smile.